Monday, March 17, 2014

Don't Pinch Me Bro!

St. Patty's Day. It's an American tradition right? Haha, I'm just kidding, but not really. American's will celebrate ANY holiday. It can be relevant to our country's history or not! If it's a reason to celebrate and let loose! Sure! We'll make it a apart of OUR traditions! Let the booze, corned beef, and colcannon flow! Also, don't forget to wear green!

This is a conundrum for all you fashion friendly out there. To wear green, or to not wear green? It really is a St. Patty's day question. Do I want to be the person who completely abstains from the herd mentality and outwardly participate in this silly tradition? Do I want to not wear a spot of green? Do I want to simply tell people my eyes are green? Which means I'm always wearing green. Do I want to cleverly wear green eye shadow? Do I want to wear shamrock earrings? Or maybe just a shamrock sticker? Should I just lock myself away in my home until this day is over? There are so many questions A Blonde Half Jap has on "holidays" such as these.

I do have to give myself a little credit though. I'm pretty sure my Dad is a  German/Scottish/English/ "mutt" (sorry Dad). There are rumors that there may be a little Irish there as well. Also, my husband is Scottish/Irish. So that makes me Irish by proxy right!? Haha.

There are three categories of St. Patrick Day celebrators. The "enthusiast", the "dabbler", and the "abstainer".

The St. Patty's Day "enthusiast" looks like this.

When you see a lady decked out in an obvious "St. Patrick Day" outfit. What do you think? Do you go into ultimate judge mode? Are you skeptical? Do you wrinkle your nose? Do you appreciate and think, "Yeah, nice outfit bro?" I have been through years where I was an "enthusiast". They were when I was in college. Frat parties are the catalyst for costumes. However, the past few years. I have been an "abstainer". 

This is what an "abstainer" looks like on St. Patty's Day.

"What? Oh it's St. Patrick's Day? I totally forgot." This is a normal response from an aloof "abstainer". If you were to encounter a "hipster abstainer" the response would be completely different. It would sound much like this, "I do not conform to social holidays. Do you even know the history behind St. Patrick's Day?!" 

I think I might dabble in the celebration. I mean, who am I kidding. I'm going to a St. Patrick's Day party tonight! I think I might try to incorporate green in an aloof, yet calculated way this year. Hence, the "dabbler". 

The chick in the picture above is saying, "Yes, I'm obviously wearing green. It's St. Patrick's Day. But, I make green look good." Glamour Magazine just wrote an article about how to "Save Yourself from Getting Pinched". These outfit ideas are simple and fit the "dabbler" approach. 

Looking at my wardrobe I realized I don't have any green colored pieces. So I might even take a more subtle "dabbler" approach. I do have green eye shadow! However, I feel like green eyes and green eye shadow are completely taboo. A big no-no! So, I decided to look up pics and tutorials of green eye shadow and green eyes. 

First off, yes I realize this lady has hazel eyes! Close enough! This look is a going out look. I'm going to a house party. Where, I'm sure nobody would think differently if I showed up in falsies and dramatic St. Patrick's Day makeup. I feel, I would be more comfortable in something like this. 

I realize she has brown eyes, but I think this would look great on a green eyed Half Jap. She adds on the fake eyelashes at the end. Although, I love fake eyelashes. I feel like her look is a wonderful St. Patrick's Day makeup without them. 

I'll post a pick of my outfit and makeup tomorrow (I know that sounds weird, but I got off work one and a half hours ago). I'm still not sure if I want to be an "enthusiast", "abstainer", or "dabbler" this year. I think I will definitely try out my green eyeshadow. It's sadly untouched. What a perfect day to try it out!

Happy St. Patrick's Day everyone!

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